Thursday, August 20, 2009


The skool i attend is GCBI(Great Commision Bible Institute) its a walk throught the bible in one hole year which is rough trust me we dont juss skim it we dig in EVERY passage and we havent even gotten started yet so this is how role i ride low for the most high fo sho.
God rocks my sox no doubt bout that
Sir Chad

The sriaght and narrow path

Ok first off let me state something i am very wierd and my punctuation sux but thats the way GOD made me so tuff stuff. Well Im gonna tell you a little bit bout myself im a 18 year old colledge student fired up for one reason GOD. Thats my boy he runs every race with me hes all ways their for me and most of all hes the only God that chases after us unlike allah and all that u have to find them and GOD runs after you all u have to do is turn around and hes gonna run right into you. So this is the way it is for me. Im messed up inside ive had to learn to stop saying "thats wut she said jokes" and other very crude things like cussing its hard yes but wen u surround yourself by ppl that will call u out bcuz of things u say so number one watch wut u say and number watch your company u feel me. Oh by the way if u have sometin to say, juss say it idc wut it is u no even if u wanna pick a fight im juss gonna warn u , u r gonna lose so bring it!
Sir Chad
Peace and chicken Greace